
- Mask formula: 1 egg, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp honey, a pump of conditioner

- Oiling routine: rosemary oil + jojoba oil, use a scalp massager on hair

- Sleep with hair in a protective hairstyle like braids, buns

- Use a silk pillowcase

- Use silk scrunchie

- During showers wear a shower cap

- Switch to microfiber towels for hair


- Face icing (wrap an icecube in a soft cloth, do not let ice touch your skin)

- Getting rid of dark circles: Retinol/caffeine based eye creams, 8 hours of sleep (ugh) and sunscreen on eyelids

- Moisturizing: CeraVe moisturizing cream, Vitamin C serum, Sunscreen, Vaseline

- Eczema relief: Palmer's coconut oil, Vitamin E cream, CeraVe SA Rough and Bumpy lotion

- Ointments: Hydrocortisone (in moderation)


- Contrast showers; hot/cold, 3:1 minute(strengthens immune system)

- Daily Vitamin intake

- Supplements: Beta-Carotene (reduce inflamation), Ginkgo Biloba (increases focus)


- My favourite workout Youtubers: Emi Wong, Pamela Reif, MadFit, Growwithjo

- Videos:

oct 4 2023 ∞
oct 17 2023 +