
  • awe: anyone in the presence of the vampire finds their attention inexplicably drawn to them. those listening to the vampire speak might suddenly agree on subjects where they once held different viewpoints. while this power doesn’t cause rapt infatuation, it is still strong enough to sway the minds of most mortals.
  • lingering kiss: the Kiss of a vampire induces near-ecstasy in mortals, but this power leaves other kisses in the dust. mortals fed upon by the user become addicted to the kiss, obsessing over it and even seeking the vampire out for repeated feedings. Mortals often become anemic, self-harm, or even die from this addiction, but vampires find it a useful power for cultivating a herd.
  • entrancement: the vampire focuses their unnatural allure on a single person, instilling in them a rapt fascination or infatuation akin to falling head over heels in love or meeting one’s lifelong idol. the person affected does their best to remain in the vampire’s good graces, but stops short of causing themselves or their other loved ones physical harm.


  • cat's grace: the vampire gains a balance and grace equal to and surpassing world-class trapeze artists. they can walk and even run across ledges and wires effortlessly and can keep their balance on the slimmest of supports.
jan 31 2021 ∞
jan 31 2021 +