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This cheesy, flaky pie makes a cracking weekend lunch. Serve with a selection of salads and flatbreads, or simply by itself with a dollop of thick, seasoned yoghurt. You could also swap out the spinach for any other seasonal leafy greens.


  • 100 g pine nuts
  • 5 large free-range eggs
  • 300 g feta cheese
  • 50 g Cheddar cheese
  • dried oregano
  • 1 lemon
  • olive oil
  • 1 knob of unsalted butter
  • 400 g baby spinach
  • 1 x 270 g pack of filo pastry
  • cayenne pepper
  • 1 whole nutmeg, for grating

Method: (12 Steps)

  • Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/gas 6.
  • Toast the pine nuts in a large ovenproof frying pan over a medium heat for 1 to 2 minutes, or until golden and smelling fantastic, tossing occasionally.
  • Crack the eggs into a large mixing bowl, crumble in the feta, then grate in the Cheddar. Season with a pinch of black pepper and a couple of pinches of dried oregano.
  • Finely grate in the lemon zest, drizzle in a little oil, then toss in the toasted pine nuts. Mix well.
  • Melt the butter in the frying pan over a medium heat with a drizzle of oil, add half the spinach, stirring until wilted, then when there’s space, add the remaining spinach, stirring regularly until wilted.
  • Lay a 50cm strip of greaseproof paper out on a clean work surface, rub lightly with oil and scrunch up, then flatten out again.
  • Arrange 4 sheets of filo in a large rectangle on the greaseproof paper, overlapping at the edges, so that it’s almost covering the greaseproof.
  • Rub the filo with a little oil, sprinkle with sea salt, pepper and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Repeat until you have 3 layers.
  • Stir the wilted spinach into the egg mixture, then grate in half the nutmeg and mix well.
  • Slide the greaseproof and filo into the empty frying pan, so that the edges spill over, then push down into the sides of the pan.
  • Pour in the spinach mixture and spread out evenly, then fold the filo up over the filling to cover.
  • Place the pan over a medium heat for 2 minutes, just to get the bottom cooking, then transfer to the top shelf of the oven for 18 to 20 minutes, or until golden and crisp. Delicious served with a fresh seasonal salad.
may 23 2019 ∞
may 23 2019 +