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Pizza Fritta is one of the oldest forms of pizza, the classic street food of Naples, where it was easier to cook more using oil than managing a wood oven. The texture is almost doughnut-like on the outside, and creamy in the middle. Tweak this simple filling by adding any of your favorite ingredients to gently melt inside.


  • 1 x Neapolitan pizza base recipe
  • 1 x Hero tomato sauce
  • Tipo 00 flour , for dusting
  • 100 g Parmesan cheese
  • 500 g quality ricotta cheese
  • 400 g mozzarella cheese
  • 1 bunch of fresh basil (30g)
  • 2 liters vegetable oil, for frying

Method: (11 Steps)

  • Make your dough, proving it for 1 hour, rather than overnight, and your Hero tomato sauce.
  • When the time’s up, divide the dough into 12 balls on a flour-dusted surface, dust them with flour, cover with a clean damp tea towel, and rest for 10 minutes.
  • One at a time, press out a ball of dough with your fingers, stretching and flattening it into a 15cm round.
  • Finely grate the Parmesan and beat with the ricotta, then add a heaped spoonful to your dough round.
  • Tear over a little mozzarella, season, push a few basil leaves into the top, then fold over the dough to seal the filling inside.
  • Press down to stick, twisting and tucking the dough, if needed, like pizza ravioli! Repeat.
  • Heat the vegetable oil in a large, sturdy pan over a medium-high heat. Drop in a cube of potato and when it’s golden and rises to the surface, the oil is ready.
  • I’m not a lover of deep-frying but it does give the best results here – please be careful. Working in batches, lower in two fritte to cook for 1½ minutes on each side, or until golden.
  • Remove to a plate lined with kitchen paper to drain, then let the oil come back up to temperature before adding the next two.
  • Warm the tomato sauce and serve on the side for dunking.
  • Sprinkle more fresh basil leaves over the fritte, to serve.
may 25 2019 ∞
may 25 2019 +