• apoptosis — noun
    • the death of cells which occurs as a normal and controlled part of an organism's growth or development
  • diaeresis — noun
    • placed over a vowel to indicate that the vowel is pronounced in a separate syllable
  • demiurge — noun
    • one that is an autonomous creative force or decisive power
  • denouement — noun
    • the final outcome of the main dramatic complication in a literary work
  • inimical — adj
    • being adverse often by reason of hostility or malevolence
  • oneiric — adj
    • of, relating to, or suggestive of dreams
  • pugilist — noun
    • fighter
  • zeugma — noun
    • the use of a word to modify or govern two or more words usually in such a manner that it applies to each in a different sense or makes sense with only one
jun 10 2024 ∞
aug 4 2024 +