Akechi represents the Justice Arcana in-game. His confidant is La Justice, and his two persona, Robin Hood and Loki, both fall under Justice (Loki’s arcana was found through data-mining). However, as a foil to Akira, Goro also represents the reversed Fool arcana. In fact, I would argue that this is a truer representation of his character than Justice, as the “other protagonist.”

Justice upright represents truth, fairness, and impartiality. It understands that decisions and actions have long-term consequences and acknowledges that circumstances are based on these decisions and actions. Justice places a heavy emphasis on the truth, both expressing it and seeking it out, and even explains that truth begets truth--being truthful yourself will make you more able to see honesty in others. In this sense, Justice represents everything Akechi idolizes and wants to be, everything he pretends to be in his Detective Prince role, and also everything he fails to achieve.

Justice in the reversed position does fit Akechi far better. Dishonesty to yourself and others, a refusal to understand why events have occurred. The reversed Justice does not understand one’s self, and does not take responsibility for one’s own actions, escaping fair judgement. Those represented by the reversed Justice may not face judgement, but alternatively they may also use black and white thinking, all just or all unjust. Akechi certainly does exist in this, but it also fails to address another dimension of his character.

The reversed Fool both accentuates the statements made by reversed Justice about Goro and makes it own. The reversed Fool acts with reckless disregard to consequences and the well-being of those around them. While it contains the potential of the Fool, it lacks the free-spirited nature of a pure new beginning, this journey fraught with challenges that may take one by surprise. And the reversed Fool warns--beware of potentially being taken advantage of or entering into a deal without fully understanding the consequences. An opportunity that seems too good to be true probably is. And that is what cinches its importance in representing Goro’s character. Goro was offered a deal by Yaldabaoth and then sought out another with Shido, both with beyond disastrous consequences.

Goro was never honest with himself or with others, he failed to see past a black-and-white view of the world, he refused to acknowledge how his actions impacted others or take responsibility for them, and ultimately the deals he made ended his life and set the world on the path to ruin. Justice as a tarot was as much a false front as his television persona, but reversed Justice and reversed Fool together paint a complete symbolic picture of his character.

dec 1 2017 ∞
dec 1 2017 +