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↳ ♘ = the fics i would DIE for; my ultimate favourites.

chanbaek (chanyeol x baekhyun)

  • arctic sun (♡♡♡) - ”Chanyeol and Baekhyun meet through mutual friends and hit it off instantly, but Chanyeol’s teenage son, Sehun, refuses to accept him as part of the family.”
  • park chanyeol: of star wars’ t-shirts, three quarter pants, and messy, red hair (♡♡♡♡) - soulmate college! au. ”Baekhyun had always been fond of the idea of soulmates. It came as a shock when it seemed like his and his roommate’s red strings have been thoroughly entangled; he blames fate for it.”
  • buckle your heart, and get ready to fly - hogwarts! au. ”Baekhyun hated flying and noise, as well as people who he deems are associated with these both, but an unfortunate situation might just change this and possibly bring him together with the Slytherin quidditch team captain.”
  • on the booze with brahms ( ♘) - college! au. ”Chanyeol has never heard someone say puppy like the asshole violinist next door does.”

xiuchen (xiumin x chen)

  • for a person in ravenclaw you’re sorta stupid  - hogwarts! au. ”Minseok and Jongdae have been best friends since first year, and every one was acutely aware of their situation but them Or, xiuchen is oblivious and have their heads up their asses.”
  • vitreous king ( ♘) - fantasy! au. “Children should not be born into a world where daggers are drawn in the dark to end their lives. They should be born free of weights and leashes around their necks. And Minseoks very own leash is the name he is born with, the heritage he is born with. A crown to be worn, a Kingdom to build and conquer in the name of his father. And he just wants to be free. He's a Prince, heir, warrior, lover, King Killer, first of his name to rule. He knows Jongdae belongs to him, Jongdaes life belongs to him - and Minseok belongs to him too. But this voice inside his head keeps telling him that there is no one to be trusted in this world. And the voice grows louder and louder.” (as a major xiuchen shipper. this is my FAVOURITE XIUCHEN FIC: the fic is so well written, and the imagery is beautiful. even if you don't ship, i welcome you to read this brilliant masterpiece.)
oct 28 2018 ∞
nov 20 2018 +