14 April 2017

  • Your arrival time was an hour later than your ticket said. I rushed to the Greyhound stop, my hands trembling and my heart nervously racing. All of my friends were texting in our group chat asking if you were here yet. We were both anxious, texting furiously, "Where are you?" "I'm inside" "Look for me, I'm walking in." My phone rang. "Turn around." I had walked right past you. But there you were, standing with the phone in your hand, looking right at me, a nervous grin on your face, disbelief on mine.
  • Embrace. Standing on the street corner of a sketchy neighborhood waiting for our Uber. A weird ass Uber ride. Our legs touching - being hyper aware. Nonstop conversation.
  • Fairfield. You put up your things and we immediately made our way to Chipotle - only your second time ever going - then Starbucks. We made our way back to my apartment and immediately set up camp on the couch. We started watching It's Always Sunny in Philadeplhia - your favorite show - at 5PM and continued for the rest of the night.
  • to be finished
apr 18 2017 ∞
may 13 2017 +