This is going to be a list of specific stuff on how Tasty Planet Forever is made.


OpenGL and other low-level libraries.

Internal Names:

The comics have internal names, out of the blues. Here are them, in order from the animal select screen.

  • Cat: ComicParis
  • Octopus: ComicCarribbean
  • Mouse: ComicAfrica
  • Bee: ComicBee
  • Shark: ComicPacific
  • Dingo: ComicAustralia
  • Penguin: ComicPenguin
  • Grey Goo: ComicMars

How to rip graphics/sprites:

So, the graphics have 2 separate image files, one with the pink-ish background with the sprites in a spritesheet-like format, and one with a mask. The image file with the pink-ish background I mentioned don't look like the ones seen in-game. This is because there's code that combines the mask and the sprite sheet into graphics that accurately displays in-game.

How do I get the transparent sprites, then? We'll be using GIMP for this.

First, open the sprite sheet (I'm going to use "hiresfromrawmarsimagemap4.jpg", as an example.), then the mask image ("hiresfromrawmarsimagemap4mask.jpg".).

Right-click on the sprite sheet image, then click "Add Layer Mask", "Selection", and then click "Ok".

Click the mask image, use the Rectangle Select tool, and select the whole image. Copy, click on the spritesheet image mask (The one with the black layer.), and then paste it.

Click on the eye icon for the mask image to stop viewing at the image, and there you go!

jan 23 2022 ∞
mar 1 2024 +