• Truth:

  • Average night out:

  • Every time:

  • But that face, though:

  • Oddly, this is true:

  • If I ever shut down a nightclub, I hope it is for this:

  • Cute Halloween bub who looks like my Bobby:

  • Such a Boris move...:

  • Oh lordy:

  • This is so true:

  • Every. Little. Thing.:

  • This is how paranoid referencing makes you:

  • Eh:

  • Overwhelming surplus...:

  • Taylor Swift for everybody, #Swiftie:

  • Yup:

  • Would be I, though?:

  • Shit a brick, how did this happen?:

  • Grammar matters and cannibalism is bad:

  • We just can't with British parliament. Blech:

  • This is too real:

  • Something I want everyone to know:

  • This one's for you Brooke. You know I'm the most


  • Fucking hell:

  • Love this for a bit of female empowerment:

  • This though:

  • No kids yet, but yeah:

  • This is actually too real:

  • Me every day in year 7:

  • Aww no. Cat betrayal. The worst feeling:

  • Why am I always an Emily, though?

  • Very much me:

  • 23, yeah, this'll still be me at 33:

  • Yes, yes, yes:

  • Drunk goals. And actually why have I never brought a traffic cone home before?:

  • Well, at least there's some good in this world...:

  • Words of wisdom from the Dalai Lama:

  • Me snuggling up to listen to an MFM episode. And that's a Bailey's hot choccy in my 'fuck everyone' mug:

  • Can relate. Somehow still think that I can be both these girls at once. Am currently neither:

  • My mum sent me this. Awww:

  • Got to find me a boy who'll get me a cat in this same fashion:

  • This is me:

  • The truth behind God's word?:

oct 26 2019 ∞
jun 20 2024 +