- Great Poetry of Ages was born and sold on the corners of napkins,
- Dusty taverns and forgotten dinner parties,
- Where the lights went out.
- If only it all existed in dreamy fragments,
- Still existed - if the dead were living.
- Some words burnt, were forgotten, tucked in pockets, washed away,
- Words that were heard were rejected,
- Words were silenced, even. Silenced now by death.
- Dressed in sunlight, in nothing, red dress,
- Highlighting the gem stones, her eyes,
- Which flicker 'tween the image and the silence of her thoughts.
- A Paradise of poetry untold.
- While he writes lines on her sunkissed skin,
- And she decides that "the red dress will do just fine".
- Look how they praise, all in lines.
- What is praise if it is linear?
- They are searching for paradise,
- But they are finding nothing.
- The phone rings and there is no response.
- It rings again,
- Nothing.
- But it will never stop ringing.
- The phone rings.
- Murky waters brought us in to being,
- We were born in mud,
- And clambered from the sea, inferior.
- Our palaces, now, disguise,
- The dirt on our faces.
- For we have learned to dwell,
- In glamorous places.
- The depths of the oceans,
- Are going to die.
- But no rain of fire,
- Will fall from the sky.
may 21 2019 ∞
jun 20 2024 +