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  • August 11th: SO HOT!!. Cramps and achey. Day off work. Drawing and podcasts. Bram drank his water (proud!).
  • August 12th: Hot and stormy. Good, relaxed work day. Teams meetings. Drawing/playing with Bram. Planning a vegan beach retreat.
  • August 13th: Still hot. Brighton programme work. Uni schedule released!. Therapy?. More thunder storms.
  • August 14th: Meds/Coffee Cherry. Copying + pasting for work. Met Esther. I think Ivy is awesome. Played with Bram + MFM.
  • August 15th: Community share. Errr... tea with coffee???. Cute button badges!. Drove around aimlessly for a while. Cool shower + Jensen & Holes.
  • August 16th: Played with Bram. Brooke's new home. Walked with many deery lads!. Meal out @ The Beech House. Podcasts.
  • August 17th: Work (aka some nice copying + pasting). Under attack from Bramble. Collected Brooke from jury. Magic mushrooms on the work laptop. Not loving food right now.
  • August 18th: Exciting work continues.... Read Taking a Chance. Brooke made me an omelette!. Podcasts. Pie in the Sky.


  • September 13th: Lovely morning with Bram. So, it turns out pumpkin is like a kitty super food. NHS plane. Last bbq of summer/last bit of unicorn gin. Next In Fashion.
aug 10 2020 ∞
jun 20 2024 +