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Archive - 2020
(List of Ologies)
Acarology (the study of ticks)
Addictionology (the study of addiction)
Aestaology (the study of summer)
Areology (the study of Mars)
Astrobiology (the study of extraterrestrial life)
Behavioral Ecology (the study of reproductive ethics)
Biogerontology (the study of aging)
Bisonology (the study of the buffalo)
Bufology (the study of toads)
Cabinology (the study of cabins)
Cheloniology (the study of sea turtles)
Chiropterology (the study of bats)
Chronobiology (the study of circadian rhythms)
Classical Archeology (the study of ancient civilisation)
Cnidariology (the study of coral)
Conservation Technology (the study of Earth protection)
Corvid Thanatology (the study of crow funerals)
Cosmetology (the study of glamour and grooming)
Cosmology (the study of the universe)
Cryoseismology (the study of icequakes)
Cucurbitology (the study of pumpkins)
Cynology (the study of dogs)
Deltiology (the study of postcards)
Demonology (the study of evil spirits)
Dendrology (the study of trees)
Diabetology (the study of blood sugar)
Disasterology (the study of disasters)
Disease Ecology (the study of tick-borne illness)
Disinfectiology (the study of bleach)
Egyptology (the study of ancient Egypt)
Entomology (the study of insects)
Entomophagy Anthropology (the study of eating bugs)
Epidemiology (the study of diseases)
Eschatology (the study of the apocalypse)
Etymology (the study of word origins)
Evolutionary Biology (the study of Darwinian theory)
Fearology (the study of fear)
Felinology (the study of cats)
Ferroequinology (the study of trains)
Food Anthropology (the study of eating and feasting)
Functional Morphology (the study of anatomy)
Futurology (the study of the future)
Gastroegyptology (the study of ancient Egyptian baking)
Gelotology (the study of laughter)
Gemology (the study of crystals and gem stones)
Genealogy (the study of family trees)
Gizmology (the study of robots)
Glycobiology (the study of carbohydrates)
Graphology (the study of handwriting)
Grateful-ology [not a real word] (the study of gratitude)
Gynecology (the study of vaginal health)
Hagfishology (the study of hagfish)
Hematology (the study of blood)
Herpetology (the study of snakes, frogs and turtles)
Horology (the study of watches)
Ichthyology (the study of fish)
Island Ecology (the study of islands)
Kalology (the study of beauty standards)
Lepidopterology (the study of butterflies)
Ludology (the study of gaming)
Lupinology (the study of wolves)
Matrimoniology (the study of marriage)
Melacology (the study of slugs and snails)
Melittology (the study of bees)
Microbiology (the study of the gut biome)
Mixology (the study of cocktails)
Molecular Neurobiology (the study of chemicals in the brain)
Museology (the study of museums)
Mycology (the study of mushrooms)
Myrmecology (the study of ants)
Mythology (the study of storytelling)
Nephology (the study of clouds)
Nomology (the study of The Constitution)
Oceanology (the study of the oceans)
Oology (the study of eggs)
Ophthalmology (the study of eyes)
Ornithology (the study of birds)
Osteology (the study of skeletons and bones)
Paleontology (the study of dinosaurs)
Performance Psychology (the study of anxiety and confidence)
Personality Psychology (the study of personalities)
Phenology (the study of the seasons)
Philematology (the study of kissing)
Phonolgy (the study of linguistics)
Plumology (the study of feathers)
Potterology (the study of Harry Potter and ‘wizardry’)
Primatology (the study of monkeys and apes)
Psycholgical Traumatology (the study of PTSD and stress)
Quantum Ontology (the study of reality)
Radiology (the study of x-rays)
Rhinology (the study of noses)
Saurology (the study of lizards)
Scatology (the study of poo)
Scorpiology (the study of scorpions)
Selachimorphology (the study of sharks)
Selenology (the study of the moon)
Sexology (the study of sex)
Snow Hydrology (the study of snow and avalanches)
Somnology (the study of sleep)
Spidroinology (the study of spider webs)
Surgical Oncology (the study of breast cancer)
Testudinology (the study of tortoises)
Teuthology (the study of squids)
Thanatology (the study of death and dying)
Thermophysiology (the study of body heat)
Trichology (the study of hair)
Veterinary Biology (the study of critter fixing)
Vexillology (the study of flags)
Victimology (the study of crime victims)
Virology (the study of viruses)
Volcanology (the study of volcanoes)
Volitional Psychology (the study of procrastination)
Zymology (the study of beer)
jan 17 2020 ∞
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