- Complete my Master's Degree
- Book: Why You Tell Stories
- Essays: The Stranger Beside Me, Hidden Valley Road or Helen, Dissertation on Practice
- Raise £6000
- Get to Tanzania + travel
- Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro
- Get another tattoo and piercings
- Play better chess
- Actually submit choir recordings/work in Monklike Corpse-Dragger Studio
- Only use sites I post on regularly
- Get back in touch with old friends
- Go to Scotland + Cambridge
- Find work for October '21 - August '22
- Look further into living in Vietnam and top three career options
- Go to at least one live music event
- Actually date
- Get deeper into true crime
- Continue persuading Mum + Dad to build a new house
- See Dad's family more
- Update Instagram more regularly + set up my writing Insta
- Work out what I really want from therapy
- (If I have the money) visit the ADHD centre in London
- Get back to Bloomsbury
- Visit Camden Market and the Egyptian museum
- Get back on campus (in Spring!)
- Thank people at uni who helped me in 2018
- Continue genealogy work + talk to Ivy and Dean
- Wake up earlier
- Get back into yoga
- Drink hot water
- Bake more
jan 3 2021 ∞
jun 20 2024 +