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my name is angela. i was born in 2000. i live in california

infj-t, 4w5, cancer ☉ taurus ☾ libra ↑

i like: perfume collecting, rollerskating, picnics, museums, nostalgia, fairies, alternative cinema, old cartoons, tea and coffee, chocolate, wine, gardens, record stores, libraries, indie bookstores and venues

  • film: queer cinema, animation, experimental, indie, fantasy horror, cult films, sci-fi
  • music: shoegaze, dream pop, synthpop, trip hop, ethereal wave, hypnagogic pop, liquid drum n bass, post-punk, twee pop, ambient, idm, future funk, 80s disco
  • literature: poetry, post-modern fiction, horror, theory, non-fiction, literary fiction
may 22 2022 ∞
jul 30 2022 +