• full title the iliad
  • author homer
  • type of work poem
  • genre epic
  • language ancient greek
  • time and place written unknown but probably mainland Greece, around 750 bc


  • narrator the poet, who declares himself to be the medium through which one or many of the Muses speak
  • POV the narrator speaks in the third person.. and omniscient narrator (he has access to every character's mind), he frequently gives insight into the thoughts and feelings of ever minor characters, gods and mortals alike.
  • tone awe-inspired, ironic, lamenting, pitying
  • setting (time) bronze age (around the twelfth or thirteenth century bc)
  • setting (place) troy (a city in what is now north western turkey)


  • themes the glory of war; military values over family life; the impermanence of human life and its creations
  • motifs armour; burial; fire
  • symbols the achaean ships; the shield of achilles


  • main characters menelaus, paris, diomedes, odysseus, nestor, achilles, agamemnon


  • characters
    • principal gods and godesses
    • aphrodite: goddess of love and daughter of zeus
    • phoibos apollo: the archer god, god of light, cause of plagues, god of prophecy and a divine singer; the son of zeus and leto; a partisan of the trojans.
    • ares: god of war, son of zeus, and lover of aphrodite.
    • artemis: sister of apollo, goddess of the hunt.
    • pallas athena: zeus' daughter, a warrior goddess, goddess of wisdom, patroness of the women's craft of weaving, a powerful ally of the greeks and protectress of odysseus.
    • hades: god of the underworld, the realm assigned to him when sky, sea and underworld were divided among the three sons of kronos.
    • hephaestus: the divine smith and god of fire, son of zeus and hea, husband of aphrodite.
    • hera: jealous wife and - and sister - of zeus
    • hermes: son of zeus who guides souls to the underworld, chariot/messnger god
    • poseidon: son of kronos, brother of zeus and lord of the sea
    • thetis: a minor sea goddess, wife of the warrior peuelus, and divine mother of achilles
    • zeus: the son of kronos and most powerful of the gods; brother od poseidon, hades and the goddess hera, his wife; as lord of the sky, the thunderbold is his most potent weapon
    • the achaeans (greeks)
    • achilles:
    • agamemnon:
    • telamonian aias or ajax the great:
nov 25 2017 ∞
nov 28 2017 +