i refuse to part from the mysme fandom until i finish How To Game Like an Idiot and who the hell knows when that’s gonna happen

  • let us kiss jaehee
  • Zen Deserves Better
  • let saeran be happy
  • my kingdom for fan content that lets jumin be more dimensional than a 50 shades knockoff
  • my soul for a vanderwood route
  • my backup soul for nb vanderwood
  • v did SOME things wrong
  • rika did all the things wrong but im gay and want a route anyway



  • theyre both gushy romantics they’d be the most obnoxious couple of all time i love them
  • zen complains but he is so wrapped around yoosung’s fingers he’s gonna break his spine
  • ”he’d be my type if he were a girl” YEAH OKAY ZEN
  • yoosung’s definitely got that classic gay “do i want to fuck him or be him” jealousy going on
  • omelette. yoosung.
  • the entire lucky soup thing. actually pretty much the entire v route


  • zen’s got a lot of optimism and brightness but has also lived through a lot? which i think would be a good balance for saeran
  • zen’s not the type to give up and that kind of steadfastness would be comforting
  • saeran’s got the tough guy defense mechanism going on, but at his core he’s a very sweet and sensitive soul and zen would be an absolute goner for that
  • annnnd if you like your stuff twisted zen’s bad end 3 is excellent fodder


  • im gonna be honest this ship mainly scratches my enthusiastic/grumpy pairing needs
  • also just like. person who falls instantly vs person who’s cautious with love...


  • i am such a sucker for best friend ships
  • plus seven knowing that yoosung’s a masochist and playing to that is just so...
  • also that bit in canon about seven sending yoosung a love letter and yoosung taking it as joke i am so sorry seven


  • sevzen
  • jaeheemc
  • juminv
  • vsung
  • saezensung
  • jaeheerika
  • poly rfa
aug 20 2018 ∞
aug 21 2018 +