On how to get the most out of studying:
- There are no studies to support the theory of "learning styles". What is more important is that, to be successful, you need to constantly addapt and use multiple learning styles and methods.
- Also, there is no such thing as multi-tasking, not when you are trying to get the most out of studying. Minimizing distractions is the way to go.
- Choose to focus on deep, appropiate processing of critical concepts and practicing retrieval and application.
- Deep learning strategies focus on meaning, comprehension and visual imagery.
Principles for achieving deep processing:
- Elaboration: How does this concept relate to other concepts?
- Distinctivness: How is this concept different from other concepts?
- Personal: How can I relate this concept to my personal experience?
- Appropriate to retrieval and application: How am I expected to use or apply this concept? (Key word: expected. You need to be able to use and apply the concepts in the way your teachers expect you to be able to do.)
Overlearning - Continuing to study beyond just knowing information to where it can be recalled quickly and easily.
Strategies for achieving deep processing:
- Question generation - Question that are meaningful, that make you compare and contrast, analyze, realize connections, think about implication or generate examples.
- Concept maps
- Practice retrieving information in ways teachers expect
- Practice recalling without referring to notes
- Practice using the information