robyn's listography
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(before i die)
Travel everywhere
Route 66
Visit Africa
Visit Asia
Visit Oceania
Visit Europe
Visit South America
Visit North America
Visit all 50 States
Go to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, Arizona USA
See a whale on a whale-watching boat ride (18/10/15 - Victoria, BC)
Hug someone famous (Imagine Dragons!!!)
Attend a sing-along showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and DRESS UP
Give up something for lent (6 weeks before Easter) (crisps!)
Appear in a film
Visit a planetarium (Dunedin 2017)
Use an anger room (2024)
Try an escape room (Tilgate 2019)
Relax for a day in a spa
Stay at a Hilton Hotel (2018, San Diego)
See the aurora (14/09/2015 - Hella, Iceland)
Go on a tour of Chernobyl
Purchase something in Kensington Harrods
Watch a live opera (Canadian Opera Company & Glyndebourne)
Milk a cow (Lewes 2022)
See the Olympics live in person
Have a seven-course meal (Hout Bay 2019)
Watch a Shakespeare play at the Globe
Attend a
Secret Cinema
Attend a horror convention
Have a beer bath
Make and eat Elf's breakfast
Go camping for a night with friends
Go to a drive-in movie
Go for a walk in the rain
Mark everywhere I have travelled on a map and keep it updated
Sleep under the stars (New Zealand & Toronto)
Attend Reading Festival
Read a dictionary first page to the last and mark out some interesting words
Request a song on the radio (Lady Marmalade, thanks Jacob!)
Get a self-portrait drawn or painted professionally
Purchase VIP tickets for an event
Kiss someone in a game of spin the bottle
Be part of a food fight
Go camping for a fortnight
Make a cute nostalgic scrapbook
Get baked
Kiss the same sex
Kiss the opposite sex
Have sex
Stay silent for a day
Host a dog party
Sing karaoke in public (Kefalonia)
Watch the sunset
Watch the sunrise (Kingston, 21/06/14)
Start a fire from scratch
Spend over £100 on shoes
Spend over £200 in a store
Bake shaped cakes or cookies
Throw a surprise party for someone close to me
Finish a 365-day photo challenge
Write a feature-length film script
Write a book
Audition for something (BGT)
Compose a song
Finally learn how to play chess
Make a movie with friends (this was basically my entire college experience)
Go to a big sporting event for...
Football - (Brighton vs. Swansea)
MLB - Baseball (Blue Jays vs. NY Yankees)
NHL - Ice Hockey (St Lois Blues vs. Vancouver Canucks)
Learn to ice skate backwards
Ride a horse
Learn to ride a horse again with confidence
Speak German
Take trapeze lessons
Learn the Charleston
Take a surfing course
The Heimlich Maneuver
Take some fencing lessons (Norway cruise 2024)
Learn basic self-defence
Learn basics in several languages (0/3)
Complete a
Mental Health First Aid course
Cycle with company on a tandem bike
Go paintballing
Tumble whilst zorbing
Ski some slopes
Try shooting at a range
Try out snowboarding
Go kayaking in the sea
Get my full driver's license
Complete a full two months of yoga, five days a week
Don't eat chocolate for an entire month
Work with animals
Hold a tarantula (Victoria)
Hold a baby lamb (Chichester & lambing in Lewes!)
Rescue an animal
Get a professional tattoo
Graffiti something
Go storm-chasing
Do wing-walking
Go parasailing (08/2019 - Punta Cana)
Bungee jump (13/10/2015 - Whistler)
Do a reverse bungee
Go skydiving (25/06/2015 - Salisbury)
Go indoor skydiving (17/02/2023 - Basingstoke)
Go hang gliding
Go paragliding (28/12/2019 - Cape Town)
Walk inside a prison (Jan 2023 - Robben Island)
Go quad biking and don't die (very brief but didn't die - Lewes 2022)
Firewalking (September 2024)
Float away in a hot air balloon ride
Jump off a cliff into the water
Ride on (the back of) a motorbike (Thailand 2016)
Fast for a week and drink only the liquidzz
Camp at a festival (Glastonbury 2016)
Participate in whitewater rafting
Get really fucking drunk (lost count)
Dye my hair green (January 2016 ++)
Polar plunge (Boxing day 2024)
Go in a petrifying wall of death (Idles 12/2019 London & also Stone Sour?)
Perform in front of an audience (Chatroom, final year of high school)
Donate blood (x2)
nov 2 2011 ∞
jan 8 2025 +