• crazy guy on the train, who pointed at an asian couple and told them to 'get off cos they didn't have a ticket'. also referred to them as the kard-ish-ians, whom at the time i had no idea of their existence. he was either really drunk (pretty likely), high (likely), or possessed some sort of mental health problem (maybe). maybe all three. for a whole fifteen minutes he stood behind me shouting and pretending to be a train. this was all at 11am
  • arrived three hours early. nobody was there :(
  • made a friend called trevor, who worked inside the stadium. kindly tried to get us in early, but to no avail.
  • managed to get inside the huge stadium without injury
  • for the first 6 artists jack and i tried to blend in, kind of shuffling and lightly shaking. we were mostly present for nero and fatboy slim. also, everyone was double our age and legal. and on drugs
  • ended up standing one row from the front, all that was between us was this really funny guy. he was the living embodiment of the gay male stereotype: he had bleach blonde hair, a fake tan, wore a bit of pink jewelry, wore some gaga-looking sunglasses, had a vest and bootie shorts on, and had his phone background as himself modelling.
  • fatboy slim probably had the best effects. first they gave out glasses that had his name and smiley faces on, and if you put them on, the lights reflected smiley faces on them (i still have them). he also had loads of small lasers, including a water effect laser. there was fire on the stage and at one point they lit fireworks?
  • at one point a middle aged man stood in front of me with his wife, got out his key and snorted a nice white substance off of it. then he looked me dead in the eyes with and gasped at me. sweeet
jun 3 2012 ∞
apr 29 2015 +