• The essential intention is the real sin. A man who cannot choose ceases to be a man. Anothony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange
  • It seems to me now that the plain state of being human is dramatic enough for anyone; you don't need to be a heroin addict or a performance poet to experience extremity. You just have to love someone. Nick Hornby, How to Be Good
  • We shall never meet, but there is something I want you to know. My time is not the same as your time. Our times are not the same. And do you know what that means? That means that time does not exist. Do you want me to repeat that? There is no time. There is a life and a death. There are people and animals. Our thoughts exist. And the world. The universe, too. But there is no time. You might as well take it easy. Do you feel better now? I feel better. This is going to work out. Have a nice day. Erlend Loe, Naive. Super
  • Stupid dreams. Even the good ones are bad, because they remind you how poorly reality measures up. Neal Shusterman, Unwind
  • The mosh pit will reveal all the answers. The mosh pit never lies. Rachel Cohn & David Levithan, Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist
  • If somebody likes me, I want them to like the real me, not what they think I am. And I don’t want them to carry it around inside. I want them to show me, so I can feel it, too. I want them to be able to do whatever they want around me. Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody. Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • I don't know how I can be so ambitious and so lazy at the same time. Ned Vizzini, It's Kind of a Funny Story
  • We find it difficult to understand that other people are human beings in the same way that we are. We idealize them as gods or dismiss them as animals. John Green, Paper Towns
  • I knew it wasn’t too important, but it made me sad anyway. J. D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye
  • I am very interested and fascinated how everyone loves each other, but no one really likes each other. Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • It's strange, the lack of emotion, the absence of drama in reality. When things happen in real life, extraordinary things, there's no music, there's no dah-dah-daaahhs. There's no close-ups. No dramatic camera angles. Nothing happens. Nothing stops, the rest of the world goes on. Kevin Brooks, Martyn Pig
  • Let us learn to show our friendship for a man when he is alive and not after he is dead. F. Scott. Fitzgerald, The Gatsby
  • All wisdom ends in paradox. Jeffrey Eugenides, The Virgin Suicides
  • Everything begins only to end. The moment you were born you began to die. That's how it is with everything. Janne Teller, Nothing
  • In my mind I am eloquent; I can climb intricate scaffolds of words to reach the highest cathedral ceilings and paint my thoughts. But when I open my mouth, everything collapses. Isaac Marion, Warm Bodies
  • We all spend so much time not saying what we want, because we know we can’t have it. And because it sounds ungracious, or ungrateful, or disloyal, or childish, or banal. Or because we’re so desperate to pretend that things are OK, really, that confessing to ourselves they’re not looks like a bad move. Go on, say what you want… Whatever it is, say it to yourself. The truth will set you free. Either that or it’ll get you a punch in the nose. Surviving in whatever life you’re living means lying, and lying corrodes the soul, so take a break from the lies for just one minute. Nick Hornby, A Long Way Down
  • It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart. Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay
  • You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
  • Just remember that sometimes, the way you think about a person isn’t the way they actually are. John Green, Paper Towns
  • It’s so hard to talk when you want to kill yourself. That’s above and beyond everything else, and it’s not a mental complaint—it’s a physical thing, like it’s physically hard to open your mouth and make the words come out. They don’t come out smooth and in conjunction with your brain the way normal people’s words do; they come out in chunks as if from a crushed-ice dispenser; you stumble on them as they gather behind your lower lip. So you just keep quiet. Ned Nizzini, It's Kind of a Funny Story
  • i am constantly torn between killing myself and killing everyone around me. Will Grayson, Will Grayson
  • I couldn’t help wondering if that was what God put me on Earth for — to find out how much a man could take without breaking. Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions
  • I waste at least an hour every day lying in bed. Then I waste time pacing. I waste time thinking. I waste time being quiet and not saying anything because I’m afraid I’ll stutter. Ned Vizzini, It's Kind of a Funny Story
  • Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt. Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five
  • You never get over it. But you get to where it doesn’t bother you so much. Jeffrey Eugenides, The Virgin Suicides
  • I wish I would die. I've thought those words many times. But it's a hard thing to say out loud. It's even scarier to feel you might mean it. Jay Asher, Thirteen Reasons Why
  • Okay, it's like this. You wake up, you watch TV, and you get in the car and you listen to the radio. You go to your little job or your little school, but you're not going to hear about that on the 6:00 news, since guess what. Nothing is really happening. You read the paper, or if you're into that sort of thing you read a book, which is just the same as watching only even more boring. You watch TV all night, or maybe you go out so you can watch a movie, and maybe you'll get a phone call so you can tell your friends what you've been watching. And you know, it's got so bad that I've started to notice, the people on TV? Inside the TV? Half the time they're watching TV. Or if you've got some romance in a movie? What to they do but go to a movie? All those people, Marlin, what are they watching? // People like me. Lionel Shriver, We Need To Talk About Kevin
  • I don't know if you've ever noticed this, but first impressions are often entirely wrong. Lemony Snicket, The Bad Beginning
  • What does God want? Does God want goodness or the choice of goodness? Is a man who chooses the bad perhaps in some way better than a man who has the good imposed upon him? Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange
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