• San Diego County fair is one big culture shock for a non-American. Monster trucks, turkey legs the size of a babies leg, pig racing, goat competitions, bizarre tents filled with products I imagine get sold on advert channels. Every time I visit, I lose vegan points.
    • A room full of rabbits in small cages, supposedly the owners are nearby to feed them... Why would you volunteer naturally timid animals for such an intruding show?
    • Watched a demonstration of camel milking.
  • A possibly homeless and lonesome man near our rental waving around a baseball bat at nothing... Creepy America
  • The seal colony in La Jolla!!
    • Second time visiting, a local lady shouts at a family of tourists not to get so close to the seals or the adults may reject the young. Probable however the first time I visited, there were crowds of people closer than the family questioned.
jun 26 2019 ∞
apr 19 2020 +