a list of my read victon fics.

  • hanse/byungchan | scar tissue 彡 the byungchan standing in front of him has eyes the color of a night sky and lips the color of candied peaches, only a blindingly white smile behind them.
  • sejun/byungchan | aperture 彡 sejun drops his guard and byungchan’s five-thousand-dollar camera along with it. He’s ready to drop to his knees begging for his life, but byungchan doesn’t want his life.
  • sejun/hanse | hello, you 彡 “hey, do you know what you look like, then?” “what?” the blond snickered. “a jerk.”
  • sejun/subin | clueless 彡 sejun is wildly in love with his roommate, and since their lease is running out, time is ticking.
  • sejun/subin | to my world 彡 sejun just wanted to feed, not a human asking questions about the history of vampires.
  • seungwoo/seungsik | every little thing is you 彡 best-selling romance novelist seungsik has written plenty of stories about meet-cutes and first dates. he just hasn’t had one. well, that’s what he thinks.
  • seungwoo/seungsik | the teacher trap 彡 seungwoo and seungsik are teachers at the same school. their students find out seungwoo has a crush on seungsik and try to help him woo seungsik.
jul 21 2020 ∞
dec 30 2020 +