• celebrated 1 happy, amazing year with bby. :)
  • started getting more and more ACTUAL ux design work instead of doing admin ux work.
  • thought about moving out with kim & riva but decided against it for many, many reasons (mainly, i don't think we would have worked as a tre considering they are very theater-y and i am not).
  • was assertive and asked for a raise, unfortunately, i will have to wait a little while longer before getting one.
  • found an amazing new place to eat right by work that sells onigiri.
  • went on vacation with seiji to miami.
  • celebrated his 27th brithday in miami
  • had an easter brunch with seiji's family and then went home to eat mother's lasagna -- double easter celebration.
  • met up with an old colleague after several months since they left sstk, laughs and memories were had.
  • helped seiji be assertive at the MoMA gallery opening - he actually spoke to a world famous architect who's work was in the show.
  • had a few couples yoga sessions
apr 6 2016 ∞
may 8 2016 +