• went on a double date with seiji, yuuji, and his girlf and ate delicious sushi
  • celebrated kim's 26th birthday at a an overcrowded bar and got slightly tipsy.
  • celebrated my aunt's birthday and had dinner at l'incontro, which is a pretty pricey but delicious italian restaurant
  • the election happened and rednecks are shit
  • vented frustrations with amber over how terrible this election is going to be on the lives of people who are not straight, white, "christian" men.
  • celebrated climaco's bday party with llamas
  • got a lot of library books from the library and now trying to read as many as possible :X.
  • binging on the sims 4, city living - a little too much :X
  • saw fantastic beasts and where to find them, which has inspired a rekindled love for harry potter - again
  • had delicious korean bbq
  • helped seiji with his title design project - it helps being a big picture thinker sometimes
  • met with my old ux design teacher and she has inspired me to once again take the next step in my career.
  • met with carla and talked about the shitshow of her past and my current workplace.
  • rekindled my interest in understanding chakras (& considering buying books in it to have as a resource).
  • spent thanksgiving at seiji's house and ate a lot of good food.
  • experienced spending a major holiday without my family, not as bad as i thought it would be but definitely a little weird.
  • spent the rest of the holiday working on getting things together for my not so distant career change.
  • essentially... my website is up and running!
  • pokemon sun & moon was released and i spent parts of the weekend becoming a pokemon master
  • the kpop world is a mess (2ne1 disbanded, taehyun left winner, etc. etc.) and at the same time, people are way too invested in things they won't 100% understand.
  • booked airbnbs / flights to austin for callie's wedding in jan.
nov 12 2016 ∞
dec 1 2016 +