• mother returned after a few weeks in malta. i missed home cooked meals ;-;
  • headed over to a bbq at steve's. ate way too many oreos and played a weird fact game
  • spent labor day cooking, eating, working (grr..), & reading harry potter, pretty ideal minus the work.
  • finished a book that looked at the realism aspect of love. for too long we've been fed the romantic version of it that isn't what real people in love experience
  • booked airbnb's for our trip to san diego & la
  • developing quite an obsession for goodreads - greatly enjoy checking out all the books for potential future reads.
  • started reading a great book called 'geek love', equal parts disturbing / amazing.
  • spoke at a career bootcamp about ux design to women of color
  • also spoke at a sstk event for college students about being in ux
  • all-in-all, september flew by :(
sep 5 2016 ∞
oct 24 2016 +