• spent the first few days of february remote from work, which allowed me to apply to a series of jobs. yay!
  • got a few bites in the job front - 1 interview on tuesday (feb. 7) & a chat with a recruiter happened on friday (feb. 3).
  • another interview set up this time with a pretty wellknown company, i'm not 100% hopeful for reasons...
  • starting new driving lessons with a new driving instructor since the one I currently I drive with isn't my fav. I miss driving with nicole, tbh.
  • lots of dogsitting & while it's fun, i prefer my life without puppies... it's hard to have a boyf who's a workaholic and being stuck with puppies @ my mother's house. the two don't match very well.
  • had some delicious valentine's date nights friday, saturday, and sunday! yum yum.
  • got project life stuff and now i have no idea where to begin. yikes! it's daunting.
  • took a product management course and wasn't too interested in what i was learning. i feel like i have a stronger leaning towards the loftier subjects / work. but lol...
  • work is still w/e...
feb 4 2017 ∞
mar 8 2017 +