• seiji had two days off from work and it was lovely meeting him for lunch in the middle of all the madness @ work
  • second-guessing myself in terms of career work, once again...
  • celebrated karun's bday at the beginning of the month
  • submitted applications to the cuny system for transfer student status to get another degree and apply to either PA or nusing school.
  • was interviewed for mini's new product idea, which was a fun experience to see ux research interviews outside of work.
  • read quite a few interesting books, i'm happy i've been reading a lot more.
  • applied to a lot of hospitals to volunteer and got accepted to NYP-Cornell & Lenox Hill - MEETH.
  • a few iconic people at work left but what else is new...
  • celebrated seiji's 28th birthday on the 31st~ yay!
  • told my manager / team lead i'm leaving in june / starting to work part time since i was accepted into a non-degree program at hunter (still waiting for the transfer student status).
  • nervous for chemistry :| but excited for this new challenge outside the walls of this terrible job.
mar 8 2017 ∞
apr 6 2017 +