A compilation of requirements / required experience found on various job sites for a job as a UX / Product Designer

  • Present and explain design decisions to the rest of the company.
  • Translate the rationale behind your work to stakeholders
  • Collaborate with our copy and communication teams to maintain a consistent voice.
  • Experience prototyping motion with tools such as Pixate, Framer.js or After Effects.
  • Uses tools like After Effects or Quartz Composer to prototype animation.
  • Comfort with CSS and HTML.
  • Comprehensive understanding of Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines and the Google Design Guidelines.
  • Develop high level and/or detailed storyboards, mockups, and prototypes to effectively communicate interaction and design ideas.
  • Enjoy shipping small, quick prototypes and experiments to validate your ideas and opinions.
  • Always sketching concepts, or polishing the designs that represent the big-thinking work.
  • Create user flows, wireframes, site maps, customer journey maps, interactive prototypes, and other tools for helping the team make product decisions.
  • Conduct user research, including interviews and usability tests, and translate findings into design recommendations
  • Work with Product Design team to help develop UI pattern toolkits
  • Mobile work is always a plus
  • Experience turning complex problems into simple and engaging customer experiences for the web, iPad, iPhone, and Android
  • Ability to understand customer needs, motivations and behaviors and translate them into actionable deliverables
  • Demonstrated experience using web analytics data to inform design decisions - must have an intermediate understanding of major web analytics packages and SEO strategies
  • Experience designing products for growth (e.g., conversion optimization, A/B testing)
may 10 2016 ∞
feb 15 2017 +