total amount to spend for 1/2015 - $140
- $60 - artsnacks subscription
- ($25.95) - nye dinner
- $13.98 - tea
- $19.00 - camera equipment
- $40 - haircut
- $12.95 - gesso
- $14 - brunch with gaby
- $14.14 - hair
- $10.50 - kpop
- $9.00 - kpop
- $15.50 - kpop
- $21.50 - kpop
- $97.95 - vid games
- $12.00 - lunch
- $11.99 - coconut oil
- $16.32 - hair product
- $15 - dinner
- $35 - dinner
- $18 - dinner
- $12 - drinks
$448.83/$140; -$308.83 over. every month after until may, $400 is maximum spending to make up for going $800 ovr limit. can not use credit card. until feb.