list icon
  • Spend less time on Facebook
  • Make a list of "Current ♥" monthly (or quite possibly weekly) as inspired by EstroJen [see positivity Tumblr. again, too lame]
  • Keep a more organized directory of inspiring images. [I think this will be done once I actually get my new computer]
  • After the new years celebrations are over, begin to thoroughly edit my resumes, write cover letters, and apply for jobs for life after college.
  • Consistently look at NYFA for jobs!!!
  • Look into Fashion Advertising
  • Figure out some other options besides Graphic Design, in case the artistic route does not follow through.
  • See what is needed to apply for the Milano School of Social Research and the Parsons School of Design for Design Ecologies programs [This is waayyyy too expensive for me to afford. So I'm going to work first, get $$, and then spend all of it on education. YAY!]
  • Plan whether I'm taking the Graphic Design certificate courses during the Summer semester or Fall semester
  • Update my wardrobe to include a much more mature, yet personal style focused, fashion.
  • Explore new parts of New York City with my camera
  • Drink more water, eat less dairy, take my supplements routinely, and try to cut the amount of alcohol I consume
  • Work hard to end my last semester of college strongly, 3.8 or higher GPA for the final semester. [3.88 final semester gpa. what, what!]
  • Find a way to fit going to the gym for an hour into my daily schedule
  • Graduate from college
  • Accomplish cliche college-esque things by the end of my last year in school: I.E. flirt, have a boyf, enjoy good frat parties, partake in weekends that don't end until 3am, and enjoy the final semester. [No boyf but managed to get a lot of those other things out of the way. Went to pretty much every Phi Tau party, didn't go to bed till 3am most weekends, & overall thoroughly enjoyed this last semester].
  • Work hard and play harder, my mantra for every year.
  • Go to more live shows
  • Continue to increase my confidence level and work on feeling less awkward in social situations
  • Stop thinking negatively about individuals and work on being positive.
  • Stop worrying so much on the lives of other individuals. What they do in their life has no impact on how you must live your life.
  • Update my positivity challenge on Tumblr daily. [Too lame]
  • Devote one day a week on being creative.
  • Devote one evening a week on figuring out Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator on a better level. Perhaps with B&N gift cards purchase some sort of guide? Friday afternoons might work best for this venture.
  • Save up enough money to purchase Adobe Suite (pray to God that wherever I take my Certificate classes will have such programs for free).
  • Rekindle relationships with individuals from my high school.
jan 1 2012 ∞
jan 1 2013 +