• I have irlen syndrome so sometimes I will misspell words, type in broken sentences or type sporadically and make grammatical errors, I'm sorry if I confuse you!
  • I strongly avoid and do not tolerate, or support underage / incestuous content or pairings (ie. BLmatsu, reimob) I'd prefer if you didn't follow me and block me if you like, draw or condone it
  • do not follow me if; you ship or support incestuous / underage pairings or excuse them for being “fictional” in any way, this includes sexualizing children or pairing them with adults, if you fit the usual 'do not follow' criteria eg; you are racist / sexist / anti-feminist / anti-sjw / a map / a terf/swerf / LGBT+phobic etc.
  • My personal Twitter (@orelpuppington) is my most active social platform, it is tweet heavy but I clear it out from time to time. Mutals / friends only. Please softblock if you unfollow!
  • Please read my links, if you can!
dec 29 2016 ∞
dec 4 2018 +