- class of '97: jacob sheehan, trenton lindberg
- class of '98: donovan deluca
- class of '00: kieran berkowitz
- class of '04: hayden yang
- class of '06: linnaea potter
- class of '07: harper fitzgerald, logan jones, maxwell wicks
- class of '08: dylan kinsey, sven-shakespeare outland
- class of '11: jamison collins
- class of '05: rainbow vaughn
- class of '06: sebastian sedgwick
- class of '08: leander lamas
- class of '09: macon youk
- class of '10: elijah gujratis
- class of '11: ryan outland
- class of '13: aubrey burton, miller teng, no hyun soo, sunhwa ham
- class of '04: blake pyun-pong
- class of '06: dominic bennett
- class of '08: sydney corwin
- class of '09: kendra zhao
- class of '12: cho jang duck, jessica xiao
- class of '97: ferris baek, jason carpenter, shane kinsey
- class of '98: brody reyes, dane saget
- class of '99: devin wolfe
- class of '00: autumn shang
- class of '01: jared yoon, martini vanderbilt (early garduate), samantha sedgwick
- class of '02: kaylee mcfly, kelsey carlisle, natalia santiago
- class of '03: alia white, marina tenderly, matteo malkovich
- class of '04: brynn prince, everett ngai, jocelyn nghein, josie white, lionel sook, robert jung, twinkie ewing
- class of '05: choi han sol, garnet sakong, jagger wolfe, michael tsai, tatiyana gurrero, walker choom
- class of '06: axel kye, conner espinosa, channing downey, daphne shim, layla chae, lucas raman, marcus camden, marley kojima, mowgli park
- class of '07: berkeley kobayashi, bolton ok, david bang, lauren hood, mason rickman, rafael espinosa, sage ianshane, shelby long
- class of '08: aiden quinlan, benson jhang, dreyfus archibald, forest u (early graduate), hannah perry, hunter kanzantzakis, jude lancaster, meagan yeum, molly zhin, pixie archibald, shay sedgwick, spencer fuller, taryn fletcher, vanessa rickman
- class of '09: austin bhong, cassiopeia hayes, chyu zom bai, bailey gray, colin liu, dante xie, elizer o'flannigan, jordan pryor, kenneth knoe, leighton moon, nathaniel kimball, memphis baumfalk, morgan romero, payton tanaka, sawyer livingston, tatum wallace
- class of '10: ambrogino ianshane, carleigh roi, chloe wu, denver glass, graham lim, jonathan batman, kerr chaplin, kyler duncan, matthew dong, nelly song, ophelia chumly, regina rosenberg, rodney guk, shanti singh, sonya romanov, tyson bundy
- class of '11: apollonia suk, cerise kwan, cosmina dragomir, craig daniel ii, daisy obermeyer, dawn kaur, jerome lee, maiko koyama
- class of '12: andrew campanelli, braeden ordway, corey rickman, creedence eisses, effie odair, gage williams, grace seonwu-pyeng, leslie hwang, stanley stanisford ii, zofie zapata
- class of '13: beckett jegal, buffy weaving, ryleigh miller, sugar tremblay, tabitha tikanni
- class of '14: cole bastet
- class of '02: zachariah donahue-silver
- class of '05: antwon jones
- class of '07: taylor robinson
- class of '09: maizie kennedy
- class of '10: keegan ahn
- class of '12: belinda lennox, chandler carlyle
- class of '96: nevada hammer (homeschooled)
- class of '97: emerson archibald (d'alberville)
- class of '98: alexander hendrix (brainerd)
- class of '00: blaise tzeka (john f. kennedy), cassidy mcqueen (drop out)
- class of '02: dustin sweeney (drop out)
- class of '03: gavin carter (sweetwater union)
- class of '05: abigail beaumont (nazareth regional), colby casteel (joaquin), gabriella ancelli (homeschooled)
- class of '07: jeffery benson (beverly hills), winona leilani-croft (homeschooled)
- class of '08: katerina shereshevski (… russia), lars dunkelblau (… germany), montgomery carmichael (doyle), reagan marquardt (easton county)
- class of '09: aurelie young (snooty private school), bijou leatherwood (no schooling), haley change (fort street), tristan bolton (rattan)
jun 1 2012 ∞
jun 1 2012 +