- complete 20 factory requests
- become master romancer of 5 species
- become master romancer of 20 species
- whirlm raisant sparrowmint taffly fudgehog mothdrop candary buzzlegum clucker lickatoad redflutterscotch
- made 50 species residents
- garder worth 100,000 chocolate coins
- one piñata worth 5,000 chocolate coins
- one piñata worth 10,000 chocolate coins
- grown 25 plants to maturity
- have 25,000 chocolate coins
- have 100,000 chocolate coins
- employ a weedling
- make fertilizer with a taffly
- evolve 2 species
- evolve 8 species
- reach level 50
- maximum garden size
- make 5 variant pinatas
- make 20 variant pinatas
- cross romance a swanana and rashberry
- all shovel handle upgrades
- all watering can upgrades
- hire diggerling
- tower of sour has 6 species
- hatch egg using cluckles
- full bonus growth for 5 plants
- full bonus growth for 25 plants
- attain full bonus growth of a plant using cocoadile tears
- distract dastardos with crowla
- play for 50 hours
- use mallowolf to scare off ruffians
- macaracoon brings romance gift
- heal pinata with chewnicorn's power
jan 10 2012 ∞
oct 17 2012 +