- my cat jumping on me when i'm sleeping
- loud squealing teenage girls
- TVs blaring at night when i'm trying to sleep and the watcher is already asleep
- june bugs
- being cold all the time
- ladybugs
- when people don't use coasters
- losing things
- noisy eaters
- terrible drivers
- swearing all the time
- when the toilet seat is left up
- slow walkers in front of me when i'm in a rush
- flip flops
- guys who spit on the sidewalk
- arguments
- ignorant people
- guys who wear sagging pants below their butts.
- when people use "gay" to mean "stupid"
- the phrase "that's what she said"
- poor manners
- when people use "good" when they should use "well"
- telemarketers
- when the person before me in a bathroom doesn't flush/clean up after themselves
- public bathrooms
- when people talk on their cell phones loudly in a quiet place
- smoking
- cracking your knuckles
- negative people
- when people say "um" or "like" every other word
- having to repeat what i say
- burping/farting
- litterers
- the US government
- those crazy frog songs
feb 23 2009 ∞
apr 25 2011 +