- Visit all 7 continents
- Write a novel
- Skydive
- Ride a camel in the desert
- Plant a tree
- Fall in love
- Learn how to juggle
- Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef
- Climb the Statue of Liberty
- Run a marathon
- Climb a mountain
- Have a penpal
- See the pyramids at Giza
- See the Great Wall of China
- Go on an African Safari
- Make a youtube video
- Learn latin
- Learn to play guitar
- Ride in a hot air balloon
- Go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans
- Visit the Louvre in Paris
- Visit all 50 U.S. states
- Fly a kite on the beach
- Get a PhD
- Buy an expensive work of art
- Earn a million dollars
- See a play on Broadway
- Design and build my dream home
- Live for a year in Japan
- Learn how to shoot a gun
- Sail around the world
- Bungee jump
- Swim with dolphins
- See wild elephants
- Climb a tree
- Drive a monster truck
- Break someone's heart
- Memorize an entire movie script
- Compose an entire outfit out of duct tape and wear it
- Race in shopping carts
- Become a vegetarian for a week
- Learn to Flamenco dance
- Ride a gondola through Venice, Italy
- Live for a month in the wild
- Paint a mural
- Donate blood
- Be my own boss
- Read the entire Bible
- Learn another language fluently
- See the Northern lights
- Hike to Machu Picchu
- Be a role model to someone
- Graduate from college
- Witness a solar eclipse
- Face my fears and ride a horse
- Go fishing in the ocean
- Publish a children's book
- Complete a scrapbook
- Make a quilt
- Be an extra in a movie
- Watch turtle's hatch and run into the ocean
- Milk a cow
- Grow a bonsai tree
- Go on a road trip
- Complete the 12 things to Photograph list
- Have a picnic with a friend
- Compose a song
- Build a dream tree fort
- Spend a day doing absolutely nothing
feb 7 2009 ∞
apr 1 2014 +