• i have a very high need for attention, i dont like to beg for it but liking my tweets (especially on my art) and just chatting with me in general is very much appreciated
  • i havent been professionally diagnosed, but i show a lot of symptoms for ptsd. this includes anger, so if i lash out unreasonably, please do tell me and i'll be sure not to do so again!
    • im very headstrong as well!!
  • for personal reasons i need to know people's ages. if you do not have your age on your profile, please dm me before you follow. i will not disclose your age to anyone else
  • i am convinced i am cursed/have been cursed, so im kinda paranoid about talking to people, especially if theyre in the 22 or older age range, so i may sometimes be distant
  • i tend to show a lot of PDA sometimes, especially towards my friends feli and lesa along with my boyfriend orion
  • sometimes i disappear/be inactive for a few days and it's bc im either really busy or not feeling well, usually both
  • i will softblock if i feel unsafe or uncomfortable around you. i cannot tell people why i unfollow or softblock.
feb 17 2017 ∞
mar 2 2017 +