• Lành Pham
    • a 32 year old, gender neutral, triefling monk. True Neutral, has a lack of willpower and a tinsy pessemistic. Loves animals, especially dogs. They're a monk trying to find what makes them happy. They excel in weaving and anything to do with handcrafting or sewing. They travel with Racho Macho, Imperiuum, and Diego the Husky Husky.
  • Nadia Gothwick
    • a 127 year old high elf (~23 human age equivalent) girl who was a former wizard and top student at an academy before she dropped out to research her parents' disappearance and try to bring them back (or at least find the fiends who did so). She becomes a warlock to do so, and eventually begins adventuring with Blade Knifedad and Crystal Meth.

more to be added

nov 13 2017 ∞
jan 15 2018 +