A little den for the people I respect the most from anime/games series. I have really deep meaning for most of them and I'll always love to chat about them!
- Red (pkmn oh god so old)
- Link
- Kaito Kid
- Edward Elric
- Sora
- Riku
- Roxas
- Axel
- Xion
- Reki
- Neku sakuraba
- Joshuaaa
- Cloud Strife
- Zack Fair TAT
- Kirito
- Asch
- Tear
- Everyone from Tota
- Zelos
- Zelos
- Zelos coff
- Sheena
- Mithos
- Aladdin
- Alibaba
- Judal
- Hakuryuu
- Thing
- Sharkann
- DamnIforgotthemagicast
- Shion
- Nezumi
- Natsume
- Allen Walker
- Belca
- Chrono
- Yaaato
- Sekki
- Rin & Haruka
- Wataru
- Misturu
- Howl
- Mononoke
- Holw's fire
I lost count of the others. The main are here