• Nyaasakon Tumblr and Internets Manager
    • log onto or submit to the nyaasakon tumblr, similar images in terms of content, quality, subject matter and queue them. (Lolita, Anime, Cosplay, Cute things, Accessories, Plushies, Cute food etc.)
    • tag them lightly, don't spend too much time. Especially if reblogs. Aim for speed generally, as this is a daily thing. 30 or so posts a day is appropriate.
    • if uploading original posts, tag them with popular tags like lolita/kawaii/japan/anime etc when appropriate.
    • The aim is to gain enough followers etc to hold giveaways successfully and to later upload photos and promotions of actual items that the store is going to have c: so keep this in mind when choosing posts.
    • At the end of each day I will go through the queue you have created and just quickly check up on it to figure out your pay and anything else that needs to be said/done.
    • Pay is calculated on quality, and by no. of posts queued and followers gained. You can choose how you want to be paid later, in cash, credits free goods from the stall etc any suggestions you have.
    • Source images: can be found from popular lolita brand sites - Angelic Pretty, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Dear Celine, Metamorphose etc, a quick google can bring up those lolita blogs, many many stationery and cutesy merchandise sites and tracking tags like lolita, anime, cosplay, japan, kawaii etc
  • Nyaasakon Pricing and Inventory Assistant
    • Your job is to help with deciding appropriate pricing and editing the inventory wishlist for future products that will be stocked. Assisting with figuring out how much of each item to stock, what will sell well and prices for each item, what appeals to customers (may include surveying, polls, research).
    • Sorting inventory and grouping things under categories in the website, and physically at the smash stall.
    • Your job is important as it directly affects what the store will stock/what I will be spending my time making and how much profit we make.
    • Paid per batch sorted, per session/meeting, according to how successful you are! Make us successful = ??? profit.
  • Shipping, Packaging, Branding Assistant
    • Your job is to assist with shipping out orders, packaging orders such as tissue wrapping and bubble wrapping and with creating an overall brand image that promotes the business and return customers c:
    • You will need to learn how to correctly package and ship various items and pack them into the envelopes and boxes correctly, safely and neatly. You will be given samples to study and will have to package and ship different products such as jewellery, clothing and accessories. May include giftwrapping if requested.
    • You may need to attach brand labels, business cards etc to packages and decorate them well, neatly print the addresses or add personal touches to packages.
    • You may be asked to ship out orders if possible and will be entrusted with correctly selecting shipping orders, customs forms and printing addresses accurately. If needed, you should research shipping options and accurately report them back to decide upon best way to ship items for best rate.
    • You may be asked to take home supplies such as special tissue paper, business cards, envelopes and stickers to package and ship from your home.
    • Pay calculated on work accomplished and quality of packaging/speed. No set hourly or daily rate, may require meetups c:
  • Sewing Buttons, Embellishments and Notions
    • Requires portfolio submission of different stitches, things you can do. E.g. backstitch, blanket stitch, basting stitch, attaching 2,4 hole buttons, shank buttons, snap fasteners etc.
    • Aim for speed and neatness. Durability is important, so reinforce your stitches.
    • You will be given samples to study on request.
    • When your portfolio is received you will be told what you can help with and given samples to work on that will be inspected and pay rate decided.
    • Paid via piecework, rates vary for different items and skills.
  • Creating Accessories and Keyrings
    • You can purchase a kit from Asako that contains all the supplies you will need to create your keyrings, in whatever design you like, supplementing with your own supplies if you like.
    • You will have complete freedom to design your own keyrings and phonestraps/accessories and you may host them for sale on the nyaasakon store, if they sell you will receive a very large portion of the profits (80-100%). Training, instructions and samples will be given on request.
    • Alternatively, you can work from a set design with the supplies given. Assembling the premade design and sorting supplies if needed. You will receive a piecework rate, or a percentage of each sale.
jan 2 2012 ∞
jun 19 2012 +