none of these like, have to have POINTS or anything, they would just be nice stories that I would like to talk about

  • dog stories!! that one dog at lane, zen stories esp as a puppy, yogi stories, isis stories, jack stories, rhed stories, that little wheaton terrier, the dogs i rescued, fritz, dogs dogs dogs i love dogs
  • just like stories! of things!
  • like yesterday with the coats ugh what a drag
  • and angry feminism things
  • and my strange experiences with girls
  • stories about chicago, stories about being downtown, stories about christine galicki and her family
  • travelling stories, stories about england, camping, the minnows at devils lake, listening to Stop! over and over and over and over again
  • family stuff esp with erin! hating erin a lot as a kid, erin being nice to me, erin helping me knit, erin knitting me things, taking me to musicals, us all playing CAH together, getting food together, high fives
  • arguments! toboggan fight of 2011, the fights my parents would have when i was little and so scared
  • i mean. mom stuff. mom arguments, mom being mean, mom shit. thrift shopping with mom! and arguments in which i know she was right and it made me sick. that time i rested my head on the dashboard of the car and told her that i knew she was right and it made me feel sick.
  • dad stuff!! talking about the dog, bringing yogi to the forest preserve, pineapple upside down cakes, burnin' down the house, being driven to the vets, the conversations i used to have with him before we became two people talking far too much for people that just want peace and quiet

note to self: it is okay to write stories about yourself.

  • friendship! and lack thereof! wolf pack with kate and getting kicked out, rollerskating with emma, the whole drama around wolf pack with nora and elena, the DF with stina, TALK ABOUT STINAS HOUSE. the string hung across the basement steps, the rings in the basement, the cats, the way her windows looked, the bookshelves, the desk, the bed, the space behind her bed, maia's closet, the way her house looked in winter. her friendship bracelets. ghost in the graveyard. that one time at the irish fest. REN FAIRES. editing that one story with rileigh, and making coffee. drawing on sidewalks with nora and elena, writing that one dragon story, feeling all alone because they were writers and i was not (tbey're wrong, they're wrong, you always write you always write)christmas trees, their dog, the stacks of books, vogelin and amelia rules, calvin and hobbes, their fireworks, i'm sure theres more
  • tori and julia and allison! tap! pockets! water spitting and pirates and that kind of new fresh writing. fangirling. john green. talking to allison about talking a lot and not saying much. the tenth doctor figurine she used to have.
  • cooking memories. baking bread. pies. coookies. me becoming good at what i did. birthdays receiving only baking things. being resentful of it.
  • book experiences. that summer i just sat around and read all day. me finding tamora piercce, me finding garth nix, the way i held Knife against me at three in the morning in a different state, hoping what i read was something that i could feel in my gut. getting inspiration from that, finding problem with that. knowing i could write like that. the way i was so so so so confused after I read Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. The Art of Racing In The Rain. The love I have for Squashed. Edgar Sawtelle. Finding A Wrinkle In Time under the catalpa tree, knowing that someone had left it for me.
  • trees. the catalpa, crying when it was cut down. the pines next door and shoveling their chips to our side of the fence. chiseling the bark of a stump to make a seat, letting it rot out.
  • olivia, of course. you know what to write.
  • the list of weird dead things i have found. Sorry, world, it's...just really cool.
  • obviously there are a million billion things i could write about but this is the start
feb 1 2014 ∞
jul 8 2014 +