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  • acoustic - relating to sound or the sense of hearing.
  • alcove - a recess, typically in the wall of a room or of a garden.
  • alpenglow - the rosy light of the setting or rising sun seen on high mountains.
  • anagapesis - the feeling when one no longer loves someone they once did.
  • aorta - the main artery of the body, supplying oxygenated blood to the circulatory system.
  • arabesque - an ornamental design of intertwined flowing lines, originally found in Arabic or Moorish decoration.
  • aubade - a love song which is sung at dawn.
  • ayurnamat - the philosophy that there is no point in worrying about events that cannot be changed.
  • baisemain - a kiss on the hand.
  • baroque - relating to or denoting a style of European architecture, music, and art of the 17th and 18th centuries that followed mannerism and is characterized by ornate detail.
  • basorexia - an overwhelming desire to kiss.
  • beguile - charm or enchant (someone), sometimes in a deceptive way.
  • bequeath - leave (a personal estate or one's body) to a person or other beneficiary by a will.
  • besotted - intoxicated; drunk.
  • blithe - showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper.
  • brontide - the low rumbling of distant thunder.
  • calamity - an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster.
  • capernoited - slightly intoxicated or tipsy.
  • cataglottism - kissing with tongue.
  • cathartic - providing psychological relief through the expression of strong emotions; causing catharsis.
  • clandestine - kept secret or done secretively, esp. because illicit.
  • concilliabule - a secret meeting of people who are hatching a plot.
  • conundrum - a confusing and difficult problem or question.
  • dalliance - a casual romantic or sexual relationship.
  • demure - shyness and modesty; reserved.
  • drapetomania - overwhelming urge to runaway.
  • druxy - something which looks good on the outside, but is actually rotten inside.
  • duende - unusual power to attract or charm.
  • dysphoria - unwell feeling.
  • dystopia - an imaginary place of total misery. A metaphor for hell.
  • elixir - a magical or medicinal potion.
  • ennui - listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement.
  • ephemeral - lasting a very short time; short-lived.
  • escapism - mental desire to retreat from unpleasant realities through fantasy.
  • ethereal - extremely delicate, heavenly or celestial.
  • gargalesthesia - the sensation caused my tickling.
  • gossamer - a fine, filmy substance consisting of cobwebs spun by small spiders, which is seen esp. in autumn.
  • harbinger - a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another.
  • harpsichord - a keyboard instrument with horizontal strings that run perpendicular to the keyboard in a long tapering case, and are plucked by points of quill, leather, or plastic operated by depressing the keys.
  • juniper - an evergreen shrub or tree.
  • lalochezia - the use of abusive language to relieve stress or ease pain.
  • lithe - thin, supple, and graceful.
  • lucid - showing ability to think clearly.
  • lypophrenia - feeling of sadness seemingly without a cause.
  • malapert - clever in manners of speech.
  • mamihlapinatapei - the look between two people in which each loves the other but is too afraid to make the first move.
  • menagerie - a collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition.
  • nequient - not being able.
  • nostalgia - a sentimental longing for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.
  • oblivion - being completely forgotten.
  • paralian - a person who lives near the sea.
  • perantique - very antique or ancient.
  • petrichor - the pleasant smell that accompanies the first rain after a dry spell.
  • plethora - an excess of.
  • redamancy - act of loving in return.
  • riparian - of, relating to, or situated on the banks of a river.
  • ripple - to form small waves or undulations, as water agitated by a breeze.
  • sabaism - worship of stars.
  • saudade - melancholic feeling of incompleteness, the absence of someone.
  • serendipity - the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
  • sphallolalia - flirtatious talk that leads no where.
  • stardust - a magical or charismatic quality or feeling.
  • strikhedonia - the pleasure of being able to say “to hell with it”.
  • succumb - fail to resist (pressure, temptation, or some other negative force).
  • susurrous - whispering or rustling sounds. vacivity - emptiness.
  • susurrus - whispering, murmuring, or rustling.
  • vernacular - the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.
  • vespertine - of, relating to, occurring, or active in the evening.
  • wanderlust - a strong desire to travel.
  • wanweird - an unhappy fate.
  • whimsical - playfully quaint or fanciful, esp. in an appealing and amusing way.
  • yearling - an animal (esp. a sheep, calf, or foal) a year old, or in its second year.
  • yearning - have an intense feeling of loss or lack and longing for something.
jul 1 2012 ∞
jun 18 2013 +