• Don't follow if you're racist, transphobic, ableist, etc, etc.
  • I need sexual assault and car crashes tagged, thank you!
  • I tend to follow back if we have one shared mutual.
  • I don't retweet graphic NSFW, but I have a pretty raunchy sense of humor that comes out sometimes, so bear that in mind!
  • I don't like rude humor and it makes me really uncomfortable! I don't mind playfully being told to shut up or if I'm exhausting, but stuff like "I hate you" or "go die" make me less inclined to talk to you. I'm not going to go into the history of my mental health, but I've had friends who "jokingly" said such things when they were actually sincere so... I'd like to avoid future interactions like that. Thank you for understanding!
jan 29 2018 ∞
sep 15 2019 +