before you follow here's some things to keep in mind before you follow me! I really like JJBA, and it's my main fandom there WILL be spoilers for all of JJBA!!!! not a spoiler free zone I love my mutuals and interact with them a lot I don't have any kins/IDs I'm really forgetful so I'll probably ask your name/pronouns a lot I hyper fixate on things, so I post/rt lots of content of my faves if you're a mutual SB before unfollowining RT heavy if you're blocked for some reason, that's because I run block chains or are uncomfortable with what you post tag your nsfw please triggers are bugs, suicide, eating disorders, depression, addiction and pedophilia so tag these I'm a minor

ASK TO FOLLOW IF I've had bad experiences with people who are in these fandoms and bad memories that come up when I interact with people from said fandoms you stan or your main fandom is... ⚬ BNHA ⚬ Voltron ⚬ Heathers ⚬ Hamilton ⚬ Detroit: Become Human

I usually follow back but I might not because: I break something in your BYF/DFI I don't like what you're posting no info on your profile not interested

oct 17 2018 ∞
jan 8 2019 +