lockie (warlock)
- 26 august 2015, boy
- more black than white
- eats all the food
- 2 september 2015, boy
- more white than black
- mews like a lil baby a lot (is a lil baby)
emmy (emerald)
- 12 december 2015, girl
- black, used to have 1 white whisker
- has a big butt, heavy
- 5 may 2016, girl
- gray tabby stray
- cuddle baby, has learned to jump high, still tiny
poppy (pippypoppy)
- 16 may 2016, girl
- more black than white 2.0
- loner of the bunch but so soft and fat
max (maxamillion)
- 15 january 2018, boy
- stubby legged tabby manx (or just has no tail, just a nub)
- very friendly and cuddly
rest in peace, princess, my sweet girl since (born august 2007) october 2007 to june 2018.
- 27 july 2018, girl
- light brindle with white nose
- loves people so much!!
seagull, named by kota
- august 2017, girl, dia sibling
- white with black spots
- has no fear
dia, named by mom
- august 2017, girl, seagull sibling
- black hooded w/ white
- adventurous but not smart
luna, named by dylan
- august 2017, girl, rian sibling
- aussie blue
- most likely to use the exercise wheel
rian, named by me
- august 2017, girl, luna sibling
- aussie agouti blue
- loves fruit the most, will steal
guinea pigs
- 2016, boy, dylan's brother
- mostly black
- less shy, loves hay and chirps a lot
- 2016, boy, dakota's brother
- more red
- very shy but loves lettuce and his brother