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I'm Sammie Suffocate whore. ♥
I'm a skank.
I'm a slut.
I'm a bitch.
I'm a perve.
I am mother fucking perfect.
I say fuck a lot.
I'm a fucking Pansexual, don't know what it means??? FUCKING GOOGLE IT.
Fucking wiccan.
I hate you, but I love them.
Music is my life.
Fuck my friends over I fuck your face up.
My favorite music is The Devil Wears Prada and Jeffree fucking Star!
Has four pe...

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Jeffree Star is my god! Marilyn Manson should run for Presidant. HIM is the sexiest thing to ever come from Finland. The Used are as hot as hot goes. The Devil Wears Prada is the best band in history. The Sex Pistols are epic. Parkway Drive makes me cream myself. Cradle Of Filth is sex on fire. Bring Me The Horizon is hotter than fire.

apr 13 2010 ∞
apr 13 2010 +
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My gorgeous Matteh. Well what can I say? He is one of the best people I have ever met and no matter my mood he ALWAYS makes me smile. Matteh Ryder + Sammie Suffocate = SEXXXXXXX I love you baby........ =) CHOPSTICKS FOR LIFE BABY.... Even Sparky can't take it away. XD Keep on smiling, you make my world a better place.

apr 13 2010 ∞
apr 13 2010 +
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Simon, The one I love. Never in my life have I imagined I'd find someone as perfect as you. You are my exact oppisite. You are my nerd, my one and only. We are going through a rough time but we will make it, I just know it. <3 you.

apr 13 2010 ∞
apr 13 2010 +