blm / bipoc
- feminism is for everybody, bell hooks
- arrested justice: black women, violence, and america’s prison nation, beth e. richie
- this bridge called my back, writings by radical woc
- killing the black body, dorothy e. roberts
- fatal invention, dorothy e. roberts
- racecraft, barbara and karen fields
- medical apartheid: the dark history of medical experimentation on black americans from colonial times to the present, harriet a. washington
- the warmth of other suns, isabel wilkerson
- sister citizen, melissa harris perry
- the pushout, monique w. morris
- an american marriage, tayari jones
rowena tsai recs / self-help
- the power of now: a guide to spiritual enlightenment, eckhart tolle
- the power of habit, charles duhigg
- start with why: how great leaders inspire everyone to take action, simon sinek
poetry / etc.
nov 29 2020 ∞
dec 27 2024 +