• stop thinking about death the thoughts will only get worse death isn't an option stop it
  • handed in two portfolios, animation day was stressful with friend, spent 5 hours just thinking about the past two years
  • i wish i could spend next year making money and making art so i wouldn't worry about the next 4 years with debt
  • i can't stop thinking about the future. i don't know if i'll make it art wise, i don't know if i'll get into the programs i want
  • the only thing on my mind that persists is animation. art. i surprise myself with remembering last year. i forgot i even dated anyone. i thought i forgot all the good memories and need to right them down soon before i fully forget.
  • grades are okay, i will pass and that is good enough. the year is going by slow
  • i feel like im floating. i cant tell who i am anymore i feel really disconnected from everything and everyone and its hard to force myself lol
mar 6 2016 ∞
mar 15 2016 +