- hurt dean ♔
- the way dean looks when he says sammy ♔
- wearing a doctors coat ♔
- i'M chOKing he looks so good ♔
- dean staring into your soul ♔
- jensen's promo for season one ♔
- jensen being an idiot ♔
- sassy!dean ♔
- jensen being a loser and pushing someone ♔
- jensen smiling and killing everyone ♔
- lame jensen ♔
- demon!dean ♔
- dean being dumb ♔
- jensen saying he loves us ♔
- jensen smiling and laughing like an idiot ♔
- dean doing duck face ♔
- jensen being shy ♔
- jensen being a lame grandpa ♔
- the many faces of jensen: dorky, oh yeah, smiley cutie pie, well, smiley again, oh
- fierce dean ♔
- season one promo with jensen ♔
- jensen you are literally so lame i hate you ♔
- j e n s e n c o m e o n ♔
- dean eating ♔
- jensen you're so creepy ♔
- eh ♔
- early days ♔
- you left me for a girl ♔
- confused ♔
- did you just shoot through your jacket ♔
- he looks so dead here ♔
- hungry ♔
- well ♔
- cry, baby, cry ♔
- so sad ♔
- happy ♔
- confused ♔
- singing ♔
- protective of sam ♔
- protect sam ♔
- derp ♔
- nom nom nom ♔
- CUTIE ♔ & ♔
sep 5 2014 ∞
feb 12 2015 +