- 1. Desahogar - Dar rienda suelta a un sentimiento, queja o confidencia para aliviarse de ello. (To vent/ get something of one's chest/ let off steam)
- 2. Lana - Dinero
- 3. (Me tiene) harta - I've had enough/ to be fed-up / sick and tired
- 4. Acosar - To harass
- "El rostro de un amor prohibido" - "The sight of a prohibited love" - Rostro is literally face but in this case "sight"
- "viviendo atado a tus sentimientos" - "Living tied to your feelings" ATADO
- Indomable - Untamable
- Mendigo - begger
- platicar - to talk/converse
jun 25 2012 ∞
apr 14 2013 +